Section 4: Development economics
Development Economics: "The Lists!"
4.1 Economic development
The nature of economic growth and economic development
Economic Development Series: Sources of Economic Growth
Economic Development Series: Does Growth Equal Development?
Economic Development Series: Common Characteristics of Developing Countries
Economic Development Series: Diversity Among Developing Nations
Economic Development Series: International Development Goals
Basic Facts of Growth and Development
Economic Growth and Development - A Comparison
TEDxBratislava - Andrey IVANOV -- Is the economic growth the same as development
Truly sustainable economic development: Ernesto Sirolli at TEDxEQChCh
Growth vs Development: Nobel winner Amartya Sen discusses way ahead for India with NDTV
Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich
What is Human Development?
Amartya Sen & FXB International
Gapminder Video #3 - Human Development Trends
The Cycle of Poverty
Cycles of poverty and conflictBreaking the cycle of poverty
Restocking goat herds is breaking the poverty cycle in Magaale, Afar region of Ethiopia
The Social Cash Transfer Programme - Breaking the cycle of poverty in Zambia
What is poverty? | World Vision Australia
What causes poverty? | World Vision Australia
Millennium Development Goals
8 Millennium Development Goals: What We Met And Missed
Millennium Development Goals Snapshot 2014
Millennium Development Goals
We Can End Poverty: Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015
Basic Facts of Wealth
Growth Rates Are Crucial
An Orgy of Innovation
Growth Miracles and Growth Disasters
The Importance of Institutions
Geography and Economic Growth
Puzzle of Growth: Rich Countries and Poor Countries
4.2 Measuring development
Measurement methods
Measuring Development Series: Introduction and Overview
Measuring Development Series: The Poverty Cycle
Measuring Development Series: Single Indicators of Development
Measuring Development Series: Composite Indicators of Development
Real GDP Per Capita and the Standard of Living
GCSE Development 1 - How do we measure development
GCSE Geography OCR B Revision- Economic Development
GCSE Geography Help Video 1: How we measure development (wealth)
GCSE Geography help video 2: how do we measure development (poverty)
GCSE Geography help video 3: how do we measure development (live expectancy)
GCSE Geography help video 4: how do we measure development (HDI)
Human Development Index
Is HDI the best index for measuring Development?
Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?Data Mining for prediction of Human Development Index
How do we measure poverty? | World Vision Australia
How can countries measure the well-being of their citizens?
4.3 The role of domestic factors
Domestic Factors and Economic Development Series: Domestic Factors
Domestic factors and economic developmentEducation and Health
Why You Should Care About Poverty
The Human Capital Report
Education and Economic Growth
Growth vs Development: Nobel winner Amartya Sen discusses way ahead for India with NDTV
How Do We Keep Moms Healthy?
Uruguay's Ambitious Plan to Give Every Child a Laptop
The use of appropriate technologyAppropriate Technology for the Developing World
Appropriate Technology Gains Ground in Developing Countries
Appropriate Technology in Zambia - Peace Corps
Access to credit and micro-creditMicrofinance 101 [PovertyCure Episode 2]
How Micro Financing Works, by Grameen Koota, India
Introduction to Microfinance (Portfolios of the Poor)
Why Microcredit?
Microcredit Evidence
How Micro-Credit Is Revolutionizing Bangladesh(23 min)
Small Loans Big Impact - Mali (29 min)
Fair TradeInternational Trade and Economic Development Series: Development Strategies
Fair Trade: Improving Lives
Fair Trade - The Story
Fairtrade Foundation
The empowerment of womenInitiative for the Economic Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs Project (IEEWEP)
Empowering Women & Tackling Poverty in Egypt
Eva Muraya on Family, Business, and Society
Empowering Women and Girls: The Key to Alleviating Poverty
Income distributionExtreme Inequality Retards South Africa's Economic Growth
Inequality 'significantly' curbs economic growth - OECD
Record inequality between rich and poor
Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four
Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen
Hans Rosling: The magic washing machine
Hans Rosling: Asia's rise -- how and when
Hans Rosling: New insights on poverty
Hans Rosling: Global population growth, box by boxHans Rosling's Yardstick of Wealth - Don't Panic - The Truth About Population - BBC Two
Truth About Education Data - Hans Rosling - WISE 2013 Focus
Gapminder Video #2 - Urbanization
NEWSNIGHT: Hans Rosling on the consequences of population growth
4.4 The role of international trade
International trade and economic development
International Trade and Economic Development Series: Introduction and Overview
International Trade and Economic Development Series: Barriers to Development
International Trade and Economic Development Series: Import Substitution
International Trade and Economic Development Series: Development Strategies
Over-specialization on a narrow range of products
AFRICA: Riding the global commodity wave
We are Coffee Farmer (Ethiopia, 2011)
WEF Economist: Africa's Commodity Dependence Unsustainable
Agriculture and economic development in Zambia
The Trade Trap - Ghana
Price volatility of primary productsLife in a Time of Food Price Volatility, Year 1 Results
Price volatility of primary commodities
Marcela Escobari on Agricultural Subsidies
Inability to access international marketsGuatemala: Weavers Find International Markets
Panama: European SMEs' gateway to international markets - focus
Peru's finest wool ropes in international markets
Long-term changes in the terms of tradeLooking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth
Megachange: the world in 2050
Import substitutionInternational Trade and Economic Development Series: Import Substitution
Development: Import Substitution Industrialization
Import Substitution
Export promotionInternational Trade and Economic Development Series: Export Promotion
Export Promotion: Lessons to learn | 17 September 2014
Export Promotion Bureau Bangladesh
Trade liberalizationInternational Trade and Economic Development Series: Trade Liberalization
Trade Liberalisation (Free Trade)
Three Minute Thesis Series - Trade Liberalization and Poverty in Fiji
20 years of trade Liberalization 3.avi
The role of the WTOLearn about WTO (World Trade Organisation)
World Trade Organization
Bilateral and regional preferential trade agreementsInternational Trade and Economic Development Series: Bilateral and Regional PTAs
Breaking Barriers to Regional Trade Agreements
Trade and Poverty in India
Development and Trade: Empirical Evidence
DiversificationInternational Trade and Economic Development Series: Export Diversification
Diversification in Botswana's Economy
Enhancing Botswana's manufacturing sector
World Bank Economist Says Economic Diversification Not Essential
4.5 The role of foreign direct investment (FDI)Foreign direct investment and multinational corporations (MNCs)
Foreign Direct Investment Series: Introduction and Overview
Foreign Direct Investment Series: Advantages of Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Direct Investment Series: Disavantages of Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment
China's Economic Offensive in Angola
Special Report (Agenda 2014) - The FDI Debate
4.6 The roles of foreign aid and multilateral development assistanceForeign aid
Multilateral development assistance
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: Introduction and Overview
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: Types of Aid
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: World Bank Group
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs)
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: Concerns About Aid
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: NGOs
Why Is It So Hard to Eliminate Diseases?
Foreign Aid 101
Ghanaian entrepreneur: growth hindered by foreign aid
PovertyCure — From Aid to Enterprise [Full Version]
Rethinking development aid
4.7 The role of international debt
Aid, Debt, and Economic Development Series: Indebtedness
Foreign debt
The Benefits of Debt Relief
The Debt Police - Uganda
World Bank to Focus on Poor Countries
4.8 The balance between markets and interventionBalance Between Markets and Intervention Series: Introduction
Strengths and weaknesses of market-oriented policies
Balance Between Markets and Intervention Series: Market-Led Strategies
Difference From Market Oriented Policies
Indian Economy before Liberalisation (1947-1991)
Trade Liberalisation and Economic Growth
WEF Economist: Dual Economies Developing in Africa
Strengths and weaknesses of interventionist policiesBalance Between Markets and Intervention Series: Interventionist Strategies
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